5 PC Maintenance Tips

Ravi Kolhe | 4/20/2013 | | | | | | | | |
In this day and age, we depend on our computers. They keep us connected to the outside world and help us take care of important tasks, like paying the bills. You need to make sure you take proper care of your computer. Here are a couple of ways you can make sure you get your money's worth out of your computer before you have to cash in for a new one.

1. Update Your Computer's Software
Your computer's operating system is a living, breathing organism. It is constantly being updated. Companies like Microsoft release updates for their operating system almost weekly. You need to make sure you stay on top of these updates. Just have your computer automatically download and install these updates for you so you can enjoy new features, bug fixes, and added protection for your operating system.

2. Physically Clean Your Computer
Computers can accumulate masses of dust and debris over a short period of time. It's always a good idea to do your best to clean it out. Just grab a can of compressed air from the store and aim it into your computer's cooling fans. This will help loosen the dust to prevent overheating, which can greatly slow down your computer. While you're at it, make sure you take some of that compressed air to your keyboards to make sure you don't have any food crumbs stuck in the gaps.

3. Defragment Your Hard Drive
Your computer's operating system should have a defragmenter tool. The purpose of this tool is to help consolidate data on your hard drive to help your computer run faster. This process can take several hours, depending on the size of your hard drive and the amount of data you have stored. It may also take longer if it is your first time running the program, so make sure you run it when you plan on not using your computer, like at night while you sleep.

4. Protect your computer with an Anti-Virus program
Viruses, spyware, malware, and other malicious files can cause much harm and ruin your computer. You should have an active anti-virus program and run it at least once a week. These types of programs can prevent your computer from being infected and even remove any existing infections.

5. Backup Your Information
Always be prepared for the worst. Your computer's files are very precious and important. Having your computer crash and not being able to recover your files can be very problematic. It's a good idea to invest in an external hard drive so you can remotely backup your files. You can also use an online website that can backup your information.

About the author: Michael is a blogger for Smith Monitoring, the leading provider of home security systems. He is obsessed with taking care of his computer and loves spreading the knowledge. He wants to make sure everyone gets their money's worth out of their technology.

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