Seven Things That Have Been Affected By Technological Advances

Ravi Kolhe | 8/18/2013 | |
Back to the future
Time and tide wait for nobody and this has never been more evident than in the world of technology.

Whether it’s the passing of the post card or the death of the diary, it’s hard to hold back the tide of the digital revolution.

Here are just a few examples of the things that have changed in recent years thanks to technological advances and how they have impacted on our daily lives forever.


There was once a time when any boy scout or girl guide knew just how to read a map; ensuring they had a skill for life and would never need worry about getting lost or not being able to find their way home again. These days, satellite navigation systems are doing their best to ensure maps become redundant and boy scouts need to find a new hobby.


Remember the days of sitting round with the family playing a board game? Although most of us used to dread this almost ancient form of pastime, it was a chance to spend a little quality time with loved ones. At least the emergence of multi-player games consoles means that some traditions are upheld – especially at Christmas time.


For any kid who was bullied at school for constantly having their nose in a book, mobile reading devices must be a real God send. Far from the geeky reputation that it once held, reading on buses, trains, in the park, even in cafes and restaurants has never been so popular.


Former messenger pigeons will no doubt point to the advent of the modern postal service as the moment they could look forward to a long and happy retirement. Whether postal workers of today will look at the invention of the internet in the same way is debatable; but there is no doubt that fewer of us send letters now than ever before.


Ok. Let’s not pretend graffiti is a thing of the past. We only have to look outside to see that. But people wanting to vent their feelings in public now have many different outlets to choose from. Comments on blogs and social media sites give a different twist to the traditional messages on garden fences and disused buildings, allowing many more people to read their latest outburst.


For anyone who hates the weekly trawl round the supermarket, online shopping must surely be seen as the greatest invention since, well, sliced bread. You can now purchase your pre-cut loaf of wholemeal without even leaving your living room.


In the same way that foodies drool over the smell of bacon frying in a pan, musos speak as fondly about the aroma of vinyl in old fashioned record shops of yester year. The ability to download your favourite tunes without having to venture out of your house means this sought after scent is now only found when you clear out your gran’s attic or delve into the cupboard under the stairs.

Written and researched by Matthew Crist who has been studying closely how advances in PCB designs have impacted on our daily lives.

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