Tips for Audio-visual Promotion

Ravi Kolhe | 8/13/2013 | | |
In the present days of communication the word promotion has become one of the most important and effective tool that cannot be replaced by any other concept. In the format of audio visual media the promotional video has got a greater pace as it is highly capable of producing a huge impact on the viewers. The promotional video does not have much difference with the ad video film. Both of them are up to provide some information regarding a product and the service. Though they are almost the same but have slight difference. The ad film is composed with a proper script to tell some story about the product or with the product. The promotional video does not have a proper narrative story line as they work like a teaser to let people inform and mostly making them aware or remind about the product. The ad film does not have any time like it can be a part of the product life cycle at any point of time but the promotional does not have a longer life and it mostly ends with the start of the product or the service.

In the present days the promotional video has found a great place to explore itself and the place is social media. In order to produce a good promotional film or video one need keep few things in the mind and those are:

● Know the audience: in order to produce a great promotional video one need to know the target audience clearly. The clear idea about the target audience may help you to understand the need and to create the better result that will carry a greater impact.

● Planning: one need o have the proper planning of the shooting. In the planning section one need choose or select the shooting place and also need to decide the style of the shooting.

● Script: though there is no need for a particular typical script but still there is a need for outline script that may guide the line of action. One must have to take care about the scrip carefully and need to understand the purpose. Over script may create some problem.

● Production cost: a proper budget should have been done on the basis of the equipments will be used and the other issues. The budgeting is one of the most important factors that may make your video or break your video. In order to avoid huge cost in the shooting the cameraman must use the tripod in order get the steady and to avoid the unwanted jerk. The unwanted jerk may lead you to the multiple numbers of shots. Before the actual shooting starts the cameraman and the director must give a hard look on the frame and the lighting condition in order to avoid the flaw and multiple numbers of shots.

● Music: using a musical score could be a better idea for the promotional video shooting as it may grab the attention of the viewers in no time and lead you to a better result.

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