5 Tips to Help Your Computer Run Faster

Ravi Kolhe | 7/17/2013 | | | |
One of the most frustrating situations for any computer user is that their computer is running too slowly. Over time, this is a normal scenario, especially when you have had the same desktop or laptop computer for more than two or three years. Start up can be slow, as can your favorite web browser or even various programs you have installed, such as Office, your email client and games. However, there are a few things you can do to get your computer to run not only faster but smoother.

iTok Program

There are a variety of programs on the Internet that you can rely on that can help to make your computer run faster. iTok is one such program. If you are considering using the service, visit the iTok blog for information. You can connect your computer to the service and an expert will quickly diagnose the problem and fix it from their own remote server and location. The best part of iTok is that the expert will even help you to prevent future computer problems.

Defragment the Hard Drive

Defragmenting your computer’s hard drive works wonders to make it operate faster. You should start running a defragmentation at least once per month when you have had your computer for at least six months, especially if you are a heavy user. If you also rely on an external hard drive, make sure to defragment that as well, especially if you have a great deal of content stored on it and use it all the time. Running a defrag will repair sectors on your system that need repairs and move various items elsewhere for better optimization of your computer.

Antivirus and Other Programs

Always run your computer’s antivirus, anti-malware and anti-spyware software regularly. The less malware you have on your computer, the better it will function. There are many free programs you can download to your device that are highly effective.

Install Updates

Update your computer as regularly as you can. If you own a Windows device, make sure to install all Windows updates as they come. On a Mac, the computer will frequently check for updates as well, and you can choose whether you want to install them.

Disk Cleanup

A disk cleanup can free up hundreds of megabytes or even several gigabytes of store on your computer by deleting temporary files that are no longer needed. You can do this easily on a Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 machine. Go to “My Computer,” right-click on “Hard Drive” and choose “Properties.” From there, you can select “Disk Cleanup” and check all boxes except for game and setup files.

When you rely on these methods, you will instantly notice that your computer is running faster. If you were considering purchasing a new one, you can save yourself much money and trouble. Your computer will very likely even behave as though it is brand new or nearly new.

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