Best ways to master the Linux commands

Ravi Kolhe | 4/14/2013 | | | | | | |
So you want to join the world of Linux - the dark society of the geeks - but you are not an expert with the Linux commands? Do not be afraid, the Linux commands are not as hard as you believe. In fact, in many Linux distros like Ubuntu, Linux Mint or Fedora, you can do tons of stuff without ever using the Linux prompt, but if you do take the time to learn it you’ll open a whole world of power.
And as a matter of fact, learning and mastering the Linux commands is very beneficial if you want to be a programmer or a hacker. In this article I’ll attempt to give you a beginner course in the Linux prompt.

1. Use “!”  to execute the last command
This is a very helpful tips, it can save you a lot of time. It is very likely that you have used the same command multiple time within a fraction of seconds.

2. Use “kill” to stop a running process
This command is used to stop a running process instantly. You dont even have to click on the X button to close a process. Another similar commands are xkill, pkill, kill-all.

3. Use list to list information about files:
This command can be used by the Linux user for fetching list information of the file or files stored.

4. Use “Mkdir” to create new folder(s)
To create new folders and directories, this command is the best tool you can use. You can also create multiple folder by using this command.

5. “Passwd” to modify the password for a user
It is easy to control and change the password of a user in Linux. To modify the user password this command can be used effectively.

6. “pwd” means print working directory.
This command represents the print working directory. By using this command you can print the working directory.

7. “rmdir”
This command can be used to removed folders and directories

Best ways to master the Linux commandsThis is just a brief tutorial about the Linux commands, there is a lot to learn about the command prompt. However, what I just wrote in this article should be enough to give you a basic tour to get your started. Once you step deeper into the Linux world, you will know how powerful the command line is. The more you master the command line, the more you will be able to do. The graphic interfaces are nice to make things easier, multitask and do certain tasks faster. But the true power in Linux comes from the command prompt, with it you can always do many more complicated tasks faster.

About the author:
This article is written by An, a geek who knows a lot about Linux and Android. If you have a netbook and want to try Linux on it, you should check his recommendation for the best linux for netbooks.

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