Top 10 Apps Everyone Should Have on Their Android Device

Ravi Kolhe | 7/12/2013 | | | |
1. Skype

Where would we be now, if we didn't have our all mighty Skype to connect us to each other? We would probably be using telegraphs or something, and the only messages we get would those brought by the mail man. In all fairness Skype is a great piece of software that deserves to be on every tablet, phone or personal computer in existence. It is free; easy to use and a great way to interactively communicate with your friends.

2. Facebook

The concept of sharing precious memories with people you know has been around for a while. But it wasn't until Facebook came along, that people started doing it in large numbers. Now almost every Tom, Dick and Harry portrays his life like its everybody's business. *poke*

3. Angry Birds

If you haven't heard of Angry Birds it could only mean that you have been living in a cave for the last 5 years. Both fun and challenging, this app will test your patience or tenacity like no other app on the planet! Do not panic if you find yourself wondering what day is this and why is the touch screen on your phone blurry with fingerprints.

4. Instagram

If you are a fan of taking photos and sharing them with your peeps, then Instagram would be right up your alley. Shoot; edit; share... It has never been easier and the best part is that you can create a whole new web page on which to show off your creative work.

5. Google Translate

It is the app which made all interpretors in the world loose their jobs. If you are having difficulties ordering Taiwanese, just punch in those wacky characters and the phone will translate them into your language of choice.

6. Du Battery Saver

Du Battery Saver is basically the best, and I repeat THE BEST app you can get on your android device. Not only is it free, but it also monitors your battery status and keeps you 'powered up', adding at least an additional 50% to your battery life.

7. Weather

Clean and simple, Weather informs you of, well... the weather. It is pretty intuitive when using and it could give you accurate data about the weather conditions in your region. It is a great app to have if you travel a lot and wonder if should you wear the cheap shoes or the Italian loafers.

8. YouTube

If you like 99.9% of the population and like goofing off, then you just have to have YouTube app installed on your device. Just like on your PC or Mac, it would play for you any video you tell it to play. You can even record your own video and upload it directly to their server. And poof! You just started your first YouTube channel.

9. Google Earth

Not so much functional as entertaining, Google Earth will take you on a trip around the world. Just type in your favorite traveling destination and the app will 'home in' on that location. You can even inspect your own neighbourhood and see just how many of your neighbours have swimming pools.

10. eBay

Online shopping has become very popular in recent years, especially after eBay essentially took the market all for themselves. Now everything is either on eBay, or it doesn't exist. From used electric mixers to bathrobes and bibs for grandpa, eBay has it all.

About the Author:
is girl who is really keen on new technologies. She is reading a lot Latest Trading News and that is why she is so informed about technologies.

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