Google Nexus 6 Fights Its Way To The Market

Ravi Kolhe | 12/16/2013 | | | |
If not for so much, Google can be applauded for the tremendous trend of Smartphone production it has maintained. Not long ago Google launched nexus 5, and already the steamy news in the industry today there is; is on Nexus 6. Are observers being way too apprehensive on the next release?

A Real Knock Out In The Industry!

What is ruling the heads of many sites in the web today are the photos of the expected Nexus 6?When you look at the photos, you will notice that the Nexus 6 is not any different from its predecessor; the nexus 5. So what does Google have to say about this?

It could seem so early to announce of the mind blowing specs that Nexus 6 comes with in the public domain, but there is no stopping for Google this time! Nexus 6 is simply a super knock out for its competitors!

With the fact that Google has made its releases annually, it may be true on the release of Nexus 6 in 2014. Although the dates and the month have not been mentioned, the release is still underway!Nexus 6 is expected to hit the headlines of Smart phone competition arena in the first quarter of 2014.

Motorola is said to be a co-partner of the trend in. If you notice, Motorola has already released its Moto G, which is not even a week old! The Moto G is a sophisticated Smartphone, which has been a major jaw dropper to the observers, as well as the users. The key reason why Google opted to partner with Motorola can only be better explained by Google its self, although the high possibilities of the partnership is on the high rise of dedication and standard Smartphone production that Motorola has demonstrated. May be if they work together;a better outcome of the results as well as the sale of the Nexus 6 will fall into place.

Although Nexus 6 is said to look similar to the nexus 5 with an X display, the functionality cannot be ruled to be the same at this time. Google has always ensured that its gadgets are unique, with upped features, and it is not expected to change this trend. With the features on display, Nexus 6 is simply coming as a major beast in the Smartphone industry.

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