What to Look for in an Article Writing Service

Ravi Kolhe | 7/13/2013 | | | |

What to Look for in an Article Writing Service - Outsourcing Multilingual Copywriting

Unless you are a native speaker of the language that you are targeting, it’s necessary to hire a writer or an international article writing service for your multilingual copywriting. It’s important that the article writing service that you work with is solid in three broad concepts: expectations, value, and integrity. Otherwise, you’ll be left with a bad taste in your mouth for the multilingual SEO and meaningful role it can play depending upon your business.


Does the service provider listen to your requirements, concerns, and campaign goals? The first step in being able to provide a high quality article is to understand what the customer’s needs are. It’s important to know that your provider understands the scope of the job and other requirements related to the work that you need done.

With that in mind, it’s important that you convey the scope of the work, turnaround time, and other job related information to the provider clearly, but also ensure that the article writing service is able to communicate those requirements back to you in a meaningful way.

Finally, a word of caution, if it sounds too good to be true, ask for good, documented, verifiable evidence that the work will go as promised. Like any other industry, copywriting has good actors and bad actors. If a service provider is promising you the world at a rock bottom price, it’s important to look at the provider, their capabilities and their estimate critically.


Depending upon your business goals, you will have unique international article writing needs. If you have a low price product with slim margins, you won’t need complex and well-researched articles compared to a business that sells high end products. If your target market is college educated, they will expect a different level of quality than if you are selling your products and services to working class people.

Turnaround time is also a consideration. Article writing services can provide you high quality articles, quickly, and at a low price, pick two! Meaning, if you need high quality articles and you need them quickly, the price to perform the service will often be higher than if you don’t require as fast of a turnaround time or such a high quality article.


The vast majority of the time you will be working virtually with an article writing service, which make integrity all the more important. Be sure to look for testimonials and case studies on the service’s website. In lieu of or in addition to testimonials and case studies, also look for free trials.

World Copywriter's article writing voucher Guarantees are a mixed bag because some of them are empty promises, but when you take into the account the other factors mentioned here, guarantees are another indicator that you are working with a reputable article writing service.

In addition to expectations, value, and integrity, it’s also important to consider any unique characteristics to your job. There are obvious considerations like does the service write articles in the language that you're targeting, to more nuanced concerns, like whether you connect on a personal level with the people at the firm. When you combine the unique issues about your article writing needs with the three concepts above, you’ll be much happier with the foreign language articles than if you didn't.

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