Spreading Green Energy - It's not just for us..

Ravi Kolhe | 7/03/2013 | | |
The past decade has seen a sea change in society when it comes to home energy. Consumers who were previously concerned only with the price of energy are now becoming increasingly eco-conscious as well. As the price of environmentally friendly technology falls and our concerns about the planet become steadily more pressing, the use of efficient and renewable technology has become a realistic and relatively common option.

With this rapid growth in the industry, prices are continuing to fall, making environmentally friendly renewable installations such as solar panels, heat pumps and wind turbines more and more accessible for homes and businesses. In contrast, prices from traditional energy suppliers are rising - and consumers are becoming less prepared to take it lying down.

As our government ramps up the battle against carbon emissions, a plethora of schemes - such as the Green Deal and the Renewable Heat Incentive - have emerged, helping fund the installation of energy efficient technologies into the homes of people from all walks of life. All over the UK, solar panels and wind turbines can be seen springing up on roofs and in fields - and regardless of your opinion on how they look, this can only be a good thing for our planet and, ultimately, our pockets.

However, as much as renewable energy might be a viable reality in the UK, the US and other westernised countries, the lack of access to green power worldwide is still a concern.

So what does the future hold for home energy, not only in this country, but across the world? After all, the diminishing supply of fossil fuels and the impact of our collective carbon footprints on the planet is a global problem. And this requires a global solution.

The hard fact of the matter is, for one and a half billion people across the world, ensuring they have a clean and carbon neutral energy supply is the least of their priorities. Roughly a quarter of the world's population don't have access to regular electricity whatsoever, instead relying on wood or kerosene - if anything - as their singular power supply.

However, a handful of companies are now tackling this widespread problem head on, developing a range of portable and hard-wearing solar panels to allow for free and clean energy to be accessible all over the world. The products, including backpacks, chargers and lights, can then be outreached globally using Skype. The video calling technology allows developers to connect with factories, suppliers and installers all over the world, making it a reality for specialised and useful products made by small western companies to reach a large demographic and - crucially - making this technology accessible to the people who need it most.

Perhaps with the development of these clean, portable and cheap energy sources and the advancement of the technology necessary to implement it, the future of home energy - wherever that home may be - is looking brighter than ever after all.

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