Getting Over 4 Common Excuses that Keep You From Blogging

Ravi Kolhe | 6/26/2013 | | | |
You religiously follow several blogs.

You patiently wait for updates and even inform your followers everytime your favorite blogger posts something new.

You just cannot let a day pass without reading blogs.

Well then, did it ever occur to you that you also can create your own blog?

That you have the potential to be like bloggers you are currently following. Perhaps you are worried about a few things so you decided to contain yourself to being a loyal follower.

How about you check out these common excuses that keep people from blogging? Go ahead. Perhaps later on you will realize creating your own blog is more than worth the try.

Getting Over 4 Common Excuses that Keep You From Blogging

No one gives a damn what you say or think.

Then great! Living in a perfect world, that could be possible. You need not worry about your sentence construction. You can use foul words for all you want.

But we are not. So you can only expect people to drop by your page, read and walk away or leave kind words.

So why would you bother yourself about people not caring? If you must blog, do it for love. Not because you are seeking for attention.

Stop attracting negative thoughts. If you write happy, your emotions shall be rubbed off on your posts. Readers will feel you enjoy what you are doing. That’s when you probably will start earning followers.

Bottomline is, this is your blog. Others couldn’t (and you shouldn’t let them) dictate how to run your page.

The pressure is high; you are compelled to write well.

Of course you are. Your page is lifeless without quality content.

Consider this a favor and at the same time a challenge to yourself. Keeping blogs help you sharpen your communication skills.

You might not be able to see the rewards of ensuring quality posts right away. But eventually you will reap the benefits of your hardwork. You shall gain supporters. Other bloggers will appreciate your work  and might even run to you for writing inspiration. You might gain extra income attracting advertisers to your site.

You could earn a handsome career opportunity. You’ve got your portfolio that demonstrates your skills, and that is your blog.

You have no time.

Blogging consumes time. It can even take you days completing a single post.

To say that you do not have that time to spare to blog is just another excuse. It can be addressed by managing your time. You need not publish a new post on your blog everyday. But you should at least, visit it everytime. Read comments. Answer queries and read as though you are another page visitor.

Your readers probably wouldn't mind that it takes you a week before posting a new content if it is worth the wait. Sometimes, you can use a little thrill to keep readers hooked.

So do not worry too much that you will not be able to sustain your blog.

If you want something done, you will and you can find a way to get it done.

You run out of writing ideas.

This is commonly known as the writer’s or creative block.

Again, you need not write round the clock. You have control over your time. You can write when you feel your creative juices are flowing. You can take a rest when you feel you’re not in the mood to write. You need not push hard on yourself.

There are as well several ways how you can inspire writing ideas. Read other travel blogs, or drop by any website you love. Divert your attention to another activity.

Blogging should be fun. It should not cause you additional stress as though you are writing a book report Australia. It should help make you feel better instead.

Author Bio:
Nettie Gray ensures to let bloggers know that their work is awesome. She makes it a point to leave comments on posts that she find useful and entertaining. She’s a big fan of several travel bloggers.

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