Five of the coolest home appliances you’ll ever see

Ravi Kolhe | 5/28/2013 | | | |
Admit it, you, like the rest of us, can’t resist a cool piece of kit for your house. Domestic appliances aren’t usually the most exciting of purchases but you’ll be falling over yourself to buy these achingly cool products. Check them out below:

● Smart phone operated washing machine

LG, electronics manufacturer du jour, have come up with a smart phone operated washing machine as part of their ThinQ range. Clever is cool and this washing machine has got serious smarts! Apart from the various cycles, which are pretty nifty in themselves (you can refresh a shirt for a night out without ever touching an iron), it’s the remote control ability that makes this so cool. Imagine putting a wash on in the morning, going out to work and then getting an alert that lets you know the cycle finished. You can then access the washing machine’s options and start a drying cycle remotely while you’re still at work- brilliant!

LG S/P, February 20, 2012Fortunately this smart technology doesn’t complicate the mechanisms of the machine itself so if you need washing machine repairs in Johannesburg your regular repair man won’t be flummoxed.

If you like this you’ll love SmartThings which helps you make everything in your home smarter e.g. your coffee machine receives a message when you get up in the morning and switches itself on. SmartThings is a hub that communicates with appliances, lighting and rooms in your house via sensors. Many of the features are set up to be automatic with additional control through your smart phone with the SmartThings app. You can even get involved in developing the SmartApps because it’s an open source project.

● Keyboard waffle iron

No, this isn’t remote operated with your keyboard, silly. The typewriter waffle iron literally cooks a waffle in the shape of a typewriter keyboard- delicious! Who needs that? May I suggest buying it for all your most literary friends? They’ll love it! Alternatively buy it for yourself as an investment. It makes a pretty big waffle, perfect for feeding a group of friends on a lazy Sunday morning.

● Weather forecasting toaster

The Jamy smart toaster is different. It’ll change your mornings forever. How? It gives you the weather forecast for the day on your morning toast! Unfortunately this isn’t available to buy yet as it’s just a concept but I for one will be first in line the second this baby hits the shelves. There are two prevailing theories as to how this will work. The first theory is that the weather report will be gathered via wifi, the other is that there’ll be a built-in barometer and thermometer that checks the current weather conditions.

If you’re looking for quirky toast quickly you might prefer to buy the Cylon toast maker (as seen in The Big Bang Theory).

Five of the coolest home appliances you’ll ever see

● Racing style kettle

Bugatti, an Italian lifestyle brand and sadly not the race car manufacturer, make kitchen products so cool you’ll get frostbite. Being Italian they know style like the backs of their hands. Their Vera Kettle is of unfathomably slick design; made of high quality materials and with more functions than you ever knew you needed. You can set the specific water temperature you desire which is much better than simply boiling the kettle. Boiling water is ideal for brewing tea but terrible for making coffee as it scalds the coffee. The Italians, in their wisdom, have delivered a product that solves all our water needs from slightly warm to piping hot!

● See through TV

This is another product that’s not yet available but don’t worry, it soon will be! Chinese company HiSense showcased their prototype for a transparent TV earlier this year at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Not only is see through but it’s 3D so you can watch Avatar and Up as they were meant to be seen from the comfort of your own couch, what’s cooler than that?

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