Beware! 5 Facebook Mistakes that May Cost You Your Job

Ravi Kolhe | 5/30/2013 | | | | | |
There’s nothing wrong owning a Facebook account. The way you use it is however another story. Anything you post reflects your character. So be careful what you share as it might backfire on you.

You do not want careless posts after all ruin things you value the most, your professional career for one.

Look into these things that are likely to send negative message to employers, and which are best kept to yourself.

Say you’re bored.

Even if you feel you've lost the spark toward that job you used to love doing, do not confess publicly.

You have your closest friends. You can talk to them about matters like these. This is just downright foul if you are also friends with your office mates, bosses most especially.

Professionals handle situations like this differently. Instead of letting it out publicly, they would talk privately to people concerned so they can reach a resolution that is favorable to everyone.

5 Facebook Mistakes that May Cost You Your Job
Criticize higher ops.

Everyone commits mistakes. So do not be too critical about other’s shortcomings.

If someone among the bosses annoys you, think that talking about it (even when you do it anonymously) would not help calm your senses. You might only regret what you said later especially when everyone knows who you are referring to.

If you have sentiments to raise, talk to your immediate supervisor so your concerns can be escalated the proper way. Do not take it to social networking accounts to let the person know that you are not in favor of their actions. Your can raise eyebrows, too.

Blogging about internal issues in the workplace.

Here’s one that will not only destroy your reputation, but your work colleagues’ confidence and trust in you as well.

Talking about matters that should be left only within the office premises is uncalled for, no doubt.

This is the reason why confidentiality is strictly imposed at work. Remember when you disclose classified information, you are not really throwing tirades against your company. You are only pulling your manners down.

Involving in a public fight.

You are an adult. You are a professional. You should act one.

There is no reason you should put up a public fight against that woman who stole your bestfriend’s boyfriend, or against anyone for that matter.

Arguments are never settled by verbally attacking the other camp. This is more so unbecoming if the person you are talking about is among your office mates.

Badmouthing clients.

Even when the client is testing your patience to the hilt, still do not resort to Facebook to venting your frustrations.

Your clients are private individuals. And at the end of the day, they are among the company’s biggest assets. There is no question  you can lose your job if you happen to go against one of the top clients.

And again, think of the impact of your actions first. It is easy composing messages when you are angry. Repairing the damage it has done is the hard part.

About the Author:
Nettie Gray distances herself from social networking accounts when she’s upset or anxious about someone. This is her way of keeping herself from publishing unnecessary posts out of intense emotions, She chooses to write essay instead.

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