How to Trick Adsense

Ravi Kolhe | 4/05/2012 | | | |
How To Trick Adsense - Tips For How to Approve Adsense

Before starting about 'how to trick adsense' you must know... It is however very difficult for a non-US blogger or webmaster to get approved into Google Adsense as its approval policies are generally very complicated and they demand a lot of requirements which would be difficult for newbies to fulfill. For example, your website/blog content must be completely new and created on your own, and not copied; your domain must be registered under your ownership for at least 6 months; your primary domain URL should not be a subdomain or contain extensions such as and so forth. Not knowing these circumstances newbies submit their Adsense application which would get rejected 90% of the time.

That’s too hard and long for beginners to get approval from google adsense and maybe fifty-fifty to success. I have the best and quickly solution for thats problem with third-party sites like indyarocks and docstoc from my experience. In this how to trick adsense tutorial only explain how to get approval 100% from google adsense with indyarocks. Indyarocks is a social networking similarly as facebook.

Now you can easily get approved into Adsense by making use of Indyarocks – an Indian social networking site officially partnered with Adsense and which shares 100% of your Adsense revenue. Google ads will be displayed on your Indyorocks profile and blog. All you need to do is register (for free), fulfill their minimum criteria in order to apply for Adsense and submit your application. If their criteria are well met your application will be approved and you will get their welcome email within maximum 48 hours (or 2-3 days in some cases).

Just Follow These Simple Steps:

1) Register at Indyarocks here: Register with Indyarocks.

2) Create your profile also make your profile look attractive.

3) 50% of your profile must be completed (but 60% above recommended)

4) Upload your profile image ( it is Strongly recommended upload your own picture)

5) Upload minimum 10 any photos to your album and set visible to everyone.

6) Write 2 or more blogs originally content with english language and don’t forget set visible to everyone and add related tags.

After you fulfilled all the requirements above, goto homepage at indyarocks and right sidebar write “Google Adsense” click and submit your request. You have received a mail from indyarocks with title “Google AdSense Access Verification for indyarocks” for complete verification and after that you should get google adsense mail with approximately 48 hours.

And remember once you get approved you can use the very same google adsense codes on your personal website or blog, and not necessarily use Indyarocks to continue using adsense thereafter. I hope you don’t worry with google adsense and helpful with my best solution in this 'how to trick adsense' post..

Important Update 1: Adsense via is discountinued from May 2012. but don't worry here are some same website like indyarocks for get adsense approved. try it.
1) 2) 3) 4)

Update 2: Friends, I found 100% working best trick for 2013 to get approved AdSense Account in just 2 hours. Try this method: Get AdSense Approved with youtube within 1-2 hours.

Related Post: Adsense Approval trick using HubPages

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Unknown said...


Adsense via is discontinued with effect to 01 May, 2012. Read this:

Nikhil Tamhankar

Ravi Kolhe said...

Yes Nikhil, but still we can use alternative options for it. You can use, etc for get Adsense approved.

Unknown said...

Did you used the same to apply for Adsense or just approved without any trick.

Unknown said...

Hey, how did you get your adsense account approved? Need a tip to do that for me.

Ravi Kolhe said...

Nikhil, did u tried with etc sites...??

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